Sunday, December 31, 2006

The "tomorrow justification"

You've used it before. You know others who've used it before. Heck, I just used it myseld about 5 minutes ago. It's the "tomorrow justification". And this is the time of year when it makes it grandiose apperance. It starts around Thanksgiving. It definitely goes on at Christmas time. And makes its grand finale on New Year's eve.

What is the "tomorrow justification," you ask? Well, first, it's not always a "tomorrow," but sometimes a "coule of days," "next week," or on occasion even a "next month." The last is not for the faint of heart, however, and recommended to only be used by professionals with years of experience with the "tomorrow justification."

Now, to the actual definition. The "tomorrow justification" is a means of allowing yourself guilt-free indulgence into the vice of your choice, because "as of tomorrow, I'm not going to be able to / let myself anymore." Now, how it relates to the aforementioned examples.

Case study 1: Sitting around the Thanksgiving table, having already consumed twice your normal daily intake. Grandma offers another 5 pound hunk of Turkey, 4 scoops of mashed potatoes, and enough gravy to swim in. Literally. Normally, you wouldn't dream of trying to polish all of that off. But then the "tomorrow justification" kicks in. "Oh, I'll start eating better again tomorrow, it's Thanksgiving after all!" Start swimming!

Case study 2: Holiday parties. And in comes your aunt, co-worker, friend, random person off the street, carrying yet another tray of cookies. "I can't eat any more cookies, I've already eaten 3 dozen today!" Ah, but then it happens. The "tomorrow justification." And in you go for dozen number 4! Go get 'em, tiger.

Case study 3: New Year's eve. This is where it all started. Sure, you've been drinking since noon. Sure, you already washed down enough nachos to feed a small country with a case of beer. But, then your buddy brings out the chicken wing dip. And another case. "I can't eat and drink all that" you plead. "I made a resolution to lose weight." To which your buddy, always looking out for your best interests, replies "New Year's resolutions don't kick in until tomorrow, you're fine for today." And so it began. The manner in which the "tomorrow justification" was born, and the manner in which it holds supreme.

So, until next time, have a great New Year's Eve, and a Happy New Year! I think my chicken wing dip's almost ready...

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